Carr Green Primary School


"I like sharing my opinion" - Year 2

"I get to make new friends"- Year 1

"It can teach you how to deal with anger" -Year 5

"It talks about physical and mental wellbeing" - Year 6

"I like jigsaw as we can learn about life skills and the consequences of our actions" - Year 4

"Jigsaw can teach us how to be positive" - Year 3



At Carr Green we are committed to promoting a safe and healthy lifestyle. We believe that PSHE and RSE is an integral part of the education of our pupils.

We aim to offer a carefully planned program within a safe and comfortable environment.

The aims of our PSHE / RSE curriculum are to:

• Provide children with a safe space to discuss the key themes.
• To help children recognise their own emotions and feelings and be aware of them in others.
• To develop an understanding and respect of differences between themselves and others.
• To help children understand what bullying is and how to deal with it.
• To allow children to set goals and develop their resilience to obstacles that maybe in the way.
• To develop an understanding of how important physical and mental health are.
• To learn the importance of e-safety and the possible dangers online.


We use the Jigsaw programme as a whole school approach to deliver our PSHE / RSE curriculum which is taught weekly. Our curriculum helps to prepare the children for life, helping them value themselves and others and how to relate and respect people.
The 5 British values are also taught through the program, the curriculum and through other aspects of school life.

We implement the PSHE through 6 key themes-
• Being Me in my World
• Celebrating Differences
• Dreams and Goals
• Healthy Me
• Relationships
• Changing Me

These themes are taught from Reception through to Year 6, building upon previous knowledge. The content of the lessons is appropriate to the age and maturity of the children.
In EYFS- they are taught the Personal, Social and Emotional area of development matters. Each half term having a focus on three areas- Self Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships.

Due to mixed aged classes from year 1-6, the curriculum is taught through a 2-year rolling program that covers the same six themes each year but with a slightly different focus.


Curriculum Planning Overview

Long term plan  


Carr Green Lane, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 3LT

01484 715969