Carr Green Primary School


 Carr Green Primary School takes great pride in its commitment to the OFSTED inspection framework. In our latest inspection, carried out on 23rd January 2024, we were delighted to be recognised as a GOOD school.

"Pupils receive a warm welcome into Carr Green Primary School each morning. Staff know pupils well. Pupils feel safe and have a trusted adult who they can talk to."

"Promoting pupils' personal development and well-being is a high priority at Carr Green. The school offers a strong personal development offer with an emphasis that everyone is unique."

"Children in the early years make a really strong start to their education. They settle quickly, enjoy their learning and form positive relationships with adults and each other."

“The school's leadership team has a clear and ambitious vision.”

(Ofsted, 2023)


We are proud of the positive feedback received from the OFSTED inspectors, which reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff, the engagement of our pupils, and the support of our wider school community. Carr Green Primary School is a place where children can thrive, learn, and develop the skills and values they need to succeed in life.


The full details of the report can be found here on the Ofsted website.

Carr Green Lane, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 3LT

01484 715969